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Research / News by Health Condition

News and Research related to Rejuvenation Science supplements - listed by health condition.  For a list of articles categorized by product, click here. The most interesting articles are bolded.


ADHD & Omega-3 nutritional deficiency

FDA directs ADHD drug manufacturers to notify patients about cardiovascular and psychiatric adverse events

FDA panel urges hallucination and death warning for children's ADHD drugs

Krill Oil provides 60% improvement in adult ADHD

Low omega-3s linked to the information-processing problems found in people with schizophrenia; bipolar, obsessive-compulsive, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders; Huntington’s disease


AMA announces vitamin D supplements associated with lower mortality rate

Higher serum vitamin E levels lower mortality risk

L-carnitine and alpha-lipoic acid reduce aging and boost energy

Low vitamin D levels associated with death

Resveratrol reduces fat and boosts endurance

Resveratrol thwarted aging in 92% of heart genes

Risk factors associated with healthy age 85


Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E reduce ALS risk

Alzheimer's Disease

Alpha lipoic acid guards against Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease linked to mitochondrial damage

AMA announces vitamin D deficiency linked with Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's

Antioxidants halt Alzheimer's

Blood sugar linked to normal cognitive aging

Blueberries may help keep brain healthy

Coenzyme Q10 may protect against Alzheimer’s

Curcumin delays onset of senility

Curcumin more effective than drugs for Alzheimer's

Curcumin protects the brain against free radical damage

Curcumin reduces plaque build-up in Alzheimer's patients

Dementia risk attributable to small blood vessel damage

Diabetes increases risk for alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Drinking tea might delay Alzheimer's disease

Fish consumption linked to decreased risk of Alzheimer's

Green tea helps protect against Alzheimer's disease

Green tea linked to maintaining cognitive function

Long-term beta carotene supplementation helps prevent cognitive decline

Low vitamin D levels associated with cognitive decline

Mitochondrial dysfunction associated with Alzheimer's disease

Mixed vitamin E tocopherols reduce Alzheimer’s risk

Omega-3 DHA reduces Alzheimer's and dementia risk

Omega-3 fatty acid-rich diet may block Alzheimer's

Omega-3 oil may protect against Alzheimer's disease: A diet with too much vegetable oil conducive to Alzheimer's

Omega-3 oils lower Alzheimer's and dementia risk up to 60%

Quercetin protects nerve cells from oxidation - Alzheimer's

Resveratrol neutralizes toxicity of proteins related to Alzheimer's

Shorter telomeres precede dementia

Silica may prevent Alzheimer's

Vitamin E helps Alzheimer’s patients live longer


Arthritis pain killers - NSAIDs and COX-II inhibitors - increase risk of heart attack

Cetylated fatty acids improve knee function in patients with osteoarthritis

The effect of cis-9-Cetyl Myristoleate (CMO) and adjunctive therapy on Arthritis and auto-immune disease

FDA warns that all NSAIDs may increase risk of cardiovascular death

Glucosamine and MSM operate synergistically for arthritis

Glucosamine reduces progression of osteoarthritis

Higher levels of DHEAS associated with better cognitive function

Inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis linked to cardiovascular disease mortality

JAMA concludes Glucosamine and Chondroitin effective for osteoarthritis

Krill oil reduces arthritis

Krill Oil reduces arthritis symptoms 30% in 30 days

Long-term effects of Glucosamine on osteoarthritis progression: a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial

NIH Reports Glucosamine and Chondroitin effective in treating osteoarthritis

Omega-3 fish oil beneficial for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

Research shows oral delivery of Hyaluronic Acid absorbs effectively in joints

Research shows Rheumatologists accept, use complementary medicine

Therapeutic effects of Hyaluronic Acid on osteoarthritis of the knee, A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Validation of the anti-arthritis properties of Cetyl Myristoleate

Vitamin D improves back pain in 95% of patients

Vitamin D shows positive effect on 89% of RA patients 

Vitamin K reduces osteoarthritis risk by 40%

Asthma & Lungs

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may be signaled by C-reactive protein

Fish and whole grains reduce asthma risk 50%

Fish oil reduces asthma in athletes

Folic acid may help treat allergies, asthma

Living near a highway affects lung development in children

Omega-3 fatty acids may help prevent asthma

Vitamin D benefits lung health

Vitamin D helps treatment-resistant asthma

Vitamin D levels linked to asthma severity

Vitamin D3 may halt lung function decline in asthma and COPD


Autism, abnormal blood-vessel function, and oxidative stress

Omega-3 fatty acid reduces autism symptoms

Omega-3 fish oil may improve autism

Autoimmune Diseases

Omega-3 fatty acids benefit patients with inflammation and autoimmune diseases

Krill oil may delay the onset and progression of autoimmune disease

Promising new target emerges for autoimmune diseases


Calcium plus Vitamin D can reverse bone loss occurring in high protein/ low carbohydrate diets

Cases of jaw bone death caused by Fosamax often unreported

CLA helps maintain bone mineral density

Drugs increase BMD 3 - 7% in 18 months

FDA proposes new calcium and vitamin D claims for osteoporosis

Increased magnesium linked with stronger bones

Insufficient Vitamin D levels present in half the women treated for osteoporosis

Inulin FOS increases calcium absorption 40%

Magnesium supplements improve bone mineral content

Omega-3 fatty acids increase bone mineral density 27%

Osteoporosis drugs don't work without hi-dose calcium and vitamin D-3

Osteoporosis prevention with calcium supplementation starts in childhood

Prebiotic increases bone mineral density 15%

Soy isoflavone intake increases women's bone mineral density

Soylife has beneficial effects on bone mineral content

The role of calcium in osteoporosis drug therapy

Vitamin D increases bone health in people on seizure medications

Vitamin K from natto reduces bone loss 80%

Vitamin K supplementation increases BMD and reduces hip fracture 80%

Vitamin K1 does not prevent bone density loss, but may prevent fractures and cancers

Vitamin K2 from natto reduces bone loss 80%

Zinc levels associated with bone mineral density

Brain Health

Low omega-3s linked to the information-processing problems found in people with schizophrenia; bipolar, obsessive-compulsive, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders; Huntington’s disease

Vitamin B12 prevents natural loss of brain volume in elderly


Antioxidant vitamins cut stomach cancer risk

Antioxidants complement radiation treatment

Aspartame causes cancer in rats

Aspirin negates the anti-cancer benefit of omega-3 fatty acids

Black raspberries slow cancer by altering hundreds of genes

Calcium and vitamin D reduce breast cancer risk

Calcium offers prolonged protection from colorectal cancer

Calcium plus vitamin D-3 reduces cancer risk 60%

Calcium reduces risk of colon polyps

Calorie restriction inhibits, obesity fuels development of 80% of cancers; Resveratrol mimics calorie restriction

Curcumin blocks colorectal cancer inducing hormone

Curcumin from turmeric stops the spread of myeloma cancer

Curcumin in turmeric inhibits growth of human pancreatic cancer

Decreasing omega-6 to omega-3 ratio reduces prostate cancer

Evaluation of the effects of neptune krill oilTM on UVB-radiation induced skin cancer prevention

Excess body fat causes over 100,000 cancers each year

Fish consumption reduces colon cancer risk by 40%

Fish may protect against prostate cancer

Fish oil reduces risk of breast cancer 32%

Folate, vitamin B6 reduce colorectal cancer risk

Green tea assists in leukemia cell death

Green tea exhibits anticancer effect in Barrett's associated esophageal adenocarcinoma

Green tea extract shows promise in leukemia trials

Green tea inhibits breast cancer growth

Green tea prevents prostate cancer in humans

Green tea stops colon cancer

Green tea supports leukemia improvement

High insulin levels raise risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women

High vitamin D intake reduces breast cancer risk by half

High vitamin D level reduces breast cancer risk 50%

Immune system can stop cancer growth

Increased folate reduces breast cancer risk

Inflammation triples risk of colon cancer

L-carnitine reduces fatigue in advanced cancer patients

Link between endometrial cancer and vitamin D

Low CoQ10 levels associated with 790% increased risk of melanoma metastasis

Lycopene reduces pancreatic cancer risk

Misleading: vitamin E linked to lung cancer

Molecular link between inflammation and cancer

Normalizing mitochondrial function significant decreases cancer tumor growth

Omega-3's breast cancer protection mechanism explained

Omega-3 EPA and DHA reduce colon cancer risk up to 64%

Omega-3 fatty acids inhibit growth of liver cancer cells

Omega-3 fatty acids prevent prostate cancer from spreading
Omega-3 fatty acids reduce risk of UV induced skin cancer

Omega-3 fatty fish cuts kidney cancer risk up to 74%

Omega-3, fiber, vitamin E linked to 60% lower lymphoma risk

Resveratrol inhibits myeloma cell growth and promotes healthy bone marrow

Omega-3 protects unborn babies from breast cancer as adults

Omega-3 reduces colon cancer risk 85%

Partial and complete regression of breast cancer in patients in relation to Coenzyme Q10 dosage

Probiotics plus FOS reduce colon cancer risk

Progress on breast cancer therapy with vitamin Q10 and the regression of metastases

Resveratrol in red wine may lower lung cancer risk

Resveratrol inhibits myeloma cell growth and promotes healthy bone marrow

Resveratrol reduces prostate cancer risk 87%

Resveratrol reduces risk of colon cancer 68%

Resveratrol suppresses breast cancer formation

Selenium may prevent high risk-bladder cancer

Soft drinks increase risk of pancreatic cancer 91%

Survival of cancer patients on therapy with coenzyme Q10

Vitamin D3 could prevent 600,000 cancer cases annually

Vitamin D levels associated with survival in lymphoma patients

Vitamin D reduces colon cancer risk 50%; Projected to save 28,000 lives and $20 billion annually

Vitamin E suppresses prostate cancer

Vitamin E prevents side effects of chemotherapy

Vitamin E tocotrienols inhibit cancer cell proliferation

Vitamin E update: gamma-tocopherol, not alpha-tocopherol, inhibits cancer cell growth

Vitamin K2 reduces cancer risk

Vitamin K2 reduces recurrence of liver cancer

Vitamins and calcium supplements may reduce breast cancer risk

Vitamins reduce risk of non-hodgkin's lymphoma

Cardiovascular Health

A six year clinical study of therapy of cardiomyopathy with Coenzyme Q10

Are dangerous blood clots lurking in your legs?

Atorvastatin lowers CoenzymeQ10 levels in patients at risk of cardiovascular disease

Blueberries reduce atherosclerosis 39 - 58%

Coenzyme Q10 dramatically benefits end stage heart failure patients

Coenzyme Q10 effective in isolated systolic hypertension

Coenzyme Q10 in essential hypertension

CoQ10 improves results of coronary bypass surgery

CoQ10 reverses heart dysfunction caused by statin drugs

European Doctors prescribe fish oil after heart attacks

Exercise reduces inflammation and heart disease risk

Fibrinogen and CRP predict cardiovascular events

Folic acid reduces homocysteine which reduces heart disease and stroke

Green tea catechin may prevent life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias

Green tea extends life, reduces CVD and stroke up to 62%

Homocysteine reduction reduces progression of carotid intima media thickness

Increased risk of systolic cardiac dysfunction in renal failure patients

Inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis linked to cardiovascular disease mortality

Inflammation is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease

Inflammation predicts heart disease risk

Inflammatory markers CRP and TNFalpha predict all cardiovascular events

Krill oil increases omega-3 index

L-carnitine aids circulation in legs

Link between kidney and heart disease established

Link between macular degeneration and heart attack and stroke risk

Low HDL cholesterol and high homocysteine make it harder to recover from stroke

Lycopene protects women's heart health

Major study shows Omega-3 fish oil supplements reduce sudden cardiac death

Mediterranean diet protects vascular system

Mediterranean diet reduces heart disease risk factors

Meta-analysis of Coenzyme Q10 in physical exercise, hypertension and heart failure

Migraines associated with increased heart attack risk: mitochondrial function implicated in both

Migraines linked to stroke and cardiovascular diseases

Mild thyroid problems double risk of heart conditions

Neptune krill oil demonstrates positive economic benefit for cardiovascular health

Obese 3-year-olds have elevated CRP and cardiovascular risk
Omega-3 fatty acid intake associated with cardiovascular disease prevention

Omega-3 fatty acids keep arteries healthy

Omega-3 fatty acids prevent more deaths than defibrillators

Omega-3 fatty acid promotes regular heart rhythm

Omega-3 fatty acids protect cardiac surgery patients

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce arrhythmia 75%

Omega-3 fatty acids slow telomere shortening and slow aging process in heart patients

Omega-3 fish oil reduces coronary death risk by 36%

Omega-3 fish oil supplements beat statin drugs for lowering mortality risk

Omega-3 index proposed for cardiovascular health

Omega-3 reduces risk of pollution-induced arrhythmia

Omega 3's Cut Risk of Second Heart Attack

Pre-eclampsia doubles risk of heart disease

Pronounced increase of survival of patients with cardiomyopathy when treated with Coenzyme Q10 and conventional therapy

Resveratrol thwarted aging in 92% of heart genes

Ribose improves results following "off-pump" bypass surgery

Saturated fat not associated with heart disease

Shorter telomere length a new cardiovascular risk factor

Side effects of regular aspirin use outweigh benefits in elderly

Strong cardiovascular and kidney disease connection established

Vitamin B supplementation reduces atherosclerosis

Vitamin D and other nutrients linked to heart disease

Vitamin D associated with reduced cardiovascular risk

Vitamin D deficiency associated with heart failure

Vitamin D deficiency linked to cardiovascular disease and death

Vitamin D protects your heart

Vitamin D-3 prevents hypertrophy

Vitamin K improves anticoagulation control in warfarin patients

Vitamin K improves artery health

Vitamin K2 reverses artery hardening by 50%

Why low vitamin D raises heart disease risks in diabetics

    Blood Pressure - Hypertension

Blood pressure reduction with Omega-3 fish oils

Calcium supplementation more effective than sodium reduction in lowering blood pressure

C-reactive protein plays a direct role in the onset of hypertension

Drinking green tea keeps blood pressure down

Exercise reduces hypertension risk in young adults

High fructose linked with hypertension

Low potassium linked to high blood pressure

Lower blood pressure another benefit of folic acid

Lycopene reduces blood pressure

Nattokinase for hypertension

Omega-3 fatty acids lower blood pressure

The protective effect of habitual tea consumption on hypertension

Sodas increase risk of hypertension

    Cholesterol - Lipid Levels

Citrus flavonoids and tocotrienols lower cholesterol

Citrus peel lowers cholesterol

Drugs to raise HDL “good” cholesterol are dangerous, reports JAMA

Evaluation of the effects of Krill Oil on the clinical course of Hyperlipidemia

Green tea blocks the formation of new arterial plaque

Krill oil demonstrates positive economic benefit for cardiovascular health

Krill oil risk–benefit dyslipidemia treatment analysis initiated

KO 3 times as effective as statins increasing HDL cholesterol

Low cholesterol linked to Parkinson’s Disease

Lycopene may help prevent atherosclerosis

Magnesium may provide better benefits than statins

Multivitamin supplementation reduces body fat and lipids

Omega-3 EPA and DHA lower triglycerides 18 - 22%

Omega-3 plus red yeast rice reduce LDL cholesterol more than 40mg statin

Treat the risk, not the cholesterol: study challenges current cholesterol recommendations

USDA Announces: cholesterol-reducing flavonoids found in citrus peels


1 in 7 U.S. teens is vitamin D deficient

66% of meds prescribed for children not approved by FDA

70% of U.S. children low in vitamin D

ADHD & Omega-3 nutritional deficiency

Autism, abnormal blood-vessel function, and oxidative stress

"Calcium crisis" affects American youth

Calcium supplements help build strong bones in teenage boys

Cause of visual problems among children of hypothyroid mothers found

Children double use of diabetes drugs

EFAs benefit infants' visual acuity

Extra vitamin D in early childhood cuts adult diabetes risk

Fast food diet causes cirrhosis of the liver in children

FDA panel urges hallucination and death warning for children's ADHD drugs

Fish oil enhances brain development

Fish consumption linked to higher IQ in children

Living near a highway affects lung development in children

Low vitamin D linked to Preeclampsia

Obese 3-year-olds have elevated CRP and cardiovascular risk

Omega-3 fatty acids may help prevent children's asthma

Omega-3 fats linked to lower weight in children

Omega-3 fatty acid reduces autism symptoms

Omega-3 fish oil is beneficial, but beware of contaminants

Omega-3 fish oil linked to better hand-eye coordination in children

Omega-3 fish oil may improve autism

Omega-3 fish oil prevents allergies

Low omega-3s linked to the information-processing problems found in people with schizophrenia; bipolar, obsessive-compulsive, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders; Huntington’s disease

Omega-3 protects unborn babies from breast cancer as adults

Omega-3 therapy relieves depression in children

Probiotics improve premature babies' GI health and reduce infant death rate by 53%

Secondhand smoke damages lungs

Three-quarters of youths with diabetes insufficient in vitamin D

Treating mild diabetes in pregnancy carries significant benefit

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Omega-3 fatty acid may benefit chronic fatigue syndrome patients


2 small studies demonstrate fish oil beneficial for ulcerative colitis patients

Antibiotics destroy diversity of beneficial gut bacteria

Calcium and Vitamin D increase bone density in Crohn's patients

Calcium and Vitamin D work together in colon cancer prevention

Calcium may help prevent colorectal cancer

Calcium offers prolonged protection from colorectal cancer

Calcium supplements associated with decreased risk of colon cancer

Calcium reduces long term colon polyp cancer risk

Calcium reduces risk of colon polyps

CLA has protective effect against colon cancer

Curcumin blocks colorectal cancer inducing hormone

Fish oil significantly reduces Crohn's disease relapse

Folate reduces cancer risk in patients with ulcerative colitis

Folic acid reduces colon cancer risk

Green tea effective in preventing colon tumors

High vitamin D levels associated with 39% lower risk of colon cancer death

Inflammation triples risk of colon cancer

Low antioxidants in colon tissues may increase risk of cancer

Magnesium intake inversely related to colon cancer risk

Omega-3 EPA and DHA reduce colon cancer risk up to 64%

Omega-3 reduces colorectal cancer risk 66%

Omega-3 reduces colon cancer risk 74%

Probiotics as adjunctive therapy for ulcerative colitis

Probiotics reduce inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Probiotic reduces IBS symptoms in 88% of patients

Probiotics improve irritable bowel syndrome symptoms

Probiotics plus FOS reduce colon cancer risk

Probiotics stop antibiotic-caused diarrhea

Promising new target emerges for autoimmune diseases

Resveratrol reduces symptoms and mortality in colitis model

Safety and efficacy of probiotics in IBS

Vitamin D could reduce breast and colon cancer 50%

Vitamin D deficiency common in patients with IBD, chronic liver disease

Vitamin D reduces colon cancer risk 50%; Projected to save 28,000 lives and $20 billion annually

Vitamins may reduce colon cancer risk over time

Western diet linked to 39% increased colorectal cancer risk

Cystic Fibrosis

Curcumin could help treat cystic fibrosis


Depression during pregnancy can double risk of preterm delivery

Low levels of vitamin D associated with depression

Omega-3 fatty acids linked to low rates of depression

Omega-3 fatty acids show long-term benefits against depression

Omega-3 reduces postpartum depression

Omega-3 therapy relieves depression in children


Detox Probiotic brochure


92% of people with diabetes have at least one other major disease

Acetyl l-carnitine improves nerve fiber regeneration in patients with diabetic neuropathy

Alpha-lipoic acid reduces diabetic neuropathy symptoms

Blood sugar linked to normal cognitive aging

Can dieting now prevent future diabetes complications of blindness and kidney failure?

Carnitine helps reduce diabetes during pregnancy

Children double use of diabetes drugs

Chromium picolinate and biotin help control blood sugar levels

Chromium picolinate demonstrates diabetes benefits

Chromium polynicotinate favorably influences genes that promote muscle development, fat burning

CLA & R-lipoic acid improve insulin action

CLA targets diabetes

Cost of diabetes drugs nearly doubled since 2001

Diabetes increases risk for alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Diabetics pay an additional $4100 annual medical cost

Diabetes treatment may use oral resveratrol

Extra vitamin D in early childhood cuts adult diabetes risk

Fish oils help battle diabetes

Green tea improves glucose control

High insulin levels raise risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women

Insulin therapy kills Type 2 diabetics; Weight loss more effective

It costs a minimum of $5,200 per year to be diabetic

Leptin aids Type 1 diabetics

Low vitamin D associated with 98% higher diabetes risk

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and diabetes

Pine bark extract shows glucose-lowering effect in diabetics

Resveratrol & EGCG help regulate blood sugar in type 2 diabetics

Soda linked to obesity and diabetes

Sytrinol benefits diabetes with improved insulin sensitivity

Tea inhibits diabetic cataracts

Three-quarters of youths with diabetes insufficient in vitamin D

Vitamin D reduces risk of type 1 diabetes

Why low vitamin D raises heart disease risks in diabetics

Diet (see Weight Loss below)

1 in 7 U.S. teens is vitamin D deficient

Antioxidants lipoic acid and NAC reduce the damaging effects of a high-fat diet

Aspartame causes cancer in rats

Calcium plus Vitamin D can reverse bone loss occurring in high protein/ low carbohydrate diets

Calorie restriction inhibits, obesity fuels development of 80% of cancers; Resveratrol mimics calorie restriction

Cola implicated in bone mineral loss in women

Farm-raised tilapia contains potentially dangerous omega-3/6 combination

Farmed salmon increases inflammation; wild salmon reduces inflammation

Farmers use chicken excrement laced with arsenic to grow fruit and vegetables

Fast food diet causes cirrhosis of the liver in children

Fish and whole grains reduce asthma risk 50%

Fructose linked to obesity

“Health” food snacks may not be healthy

High fructose linked with hypertension

HFCS increases body fat faster than glucose

Mediterranean diet protects vascular system

Mediterranean diet reduces heart disease risk factors

Omega-3 fats linked to lower weight in children

Professor Bruce Ames presents his Triage Theory of Aging at A4M

Reduced diet, nutritional saturation, thwarts aging, disease in monkeys

Revelation: the body heals itself 4 times better with proper nutrition

Sodas increase risk of hypertension

Soda linked to obesity and diabetes

Soft drinks increase risk of pancreatic cancer 91%

US consumers eat an average 460 calories added sugar daily

U.S. farm policy contributes to obesity and disease

Western diet linked to 39% increased colorectal cancer risk


3 1/3 hours weekly exercise confers 10 year-younger telomere length

Higher omega-3 level associated with reduced telomere shortening rate

Longer telomeres associated with multivitamin use

Longer telomeres associated with higher vitamin D levels

Omega-3 fatty acids slow telomere shortening and slow aging process in heart patients

Professor Bruce Ames presents his Triage Theory of Aging at A4M

Shorter telomere length a new cardiovascular risk factor

Shorter telomeres precede dementia


Uncontrolled epilepsy linked to low Omega-3 fatty acid level


3 1/3 hours weekly exercise confers 10 year-younger telomere length

Exercise reduces hypertension risk in young adults

Exercise reduces inflammation and heart disease risk

Quercetin increases endurance without regular exercise training


CMO (Cetyl Myristoleate) in the treatment of fibromyalgia: an open pilot study

Financial Health

Cost of diabetes drugs nearly doubled since 2001

Diabetics pay an additional $4100 annual medical cost

It costs a minimum of $5,200 per year to be diabetic

Krill oil demonstrates positive economic benefit for cardiovascular health

Save $5.6 billion in health care costs with omega-3 and lutein

Vitamin D reduces colon cancer risk 50%; Projected to save 28,000 lives and $20 billion annually

General Health

51% of Prescriptions Have Possible Severe Side Effects; 21% of elderly receive inappropriate drugs

85% of Americans believe dietary supplements enhance health

Glaxo Chief: "Most Prescription Medications Don't Work"

Harvard researchers recommend 1000+ IU vitamin D

Incidence and severity of potential drug–dietary supplement interactions

JAMA urges adults to take daily multivitamin

Low vitamin D may occur even with sun exposure

Professor Bruce Ames presents his Triage Theory of Aging at A4M

Selenium up, mortality down


Dermatologist recommended hair care

Huntington's Disease

Green tea extract slows the progression of Huntington’s disease

Low omega-3s linked to the information-processing problems found in people with . . .  Huntington’s disease

Immune Function

Immune system can stop cancer growth

Probiotics boost immune function


Antioxidant supplement use associated with lower inflammatory markers

C-reactive protein levels linked with macular degeneration

C-reactive protein plays a direct role in the onset of hypertension

Carotenoid consumption linked to reduced inflammation

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may be signaled by C-reactive protein

Exercise reduces inflammation and heart disease risk

Farmed salmon increases inflammation; wild salmon reduces inflammation

Fibrinogen and CRP predict cardiovascular events

Inflammation and homocysteine levels linked

Inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis linked to cardiovascular disease mortality

Inflammation is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease

Inflammation predicts heart disease risk

Inflammation predicts risk for recurrent stroke & mortality

Inflammatory markers CRP and TNFalpha predict all cardiovascular events

Link between kidney and heart disease established

Link between obesity and inflammation

Lutein lowers inflammation which is associated with AMD

Magnesium and fiber intake linked to inflammation

Molecular link between inflammation and cancer

Obese 3-year-olds have elevated CRP and cardiovascular risk

Omega-3 and omega-6 content of various oils

Omega-3 fatty acids benefit patients with inflammation and autoimmune diseases

Omega-3 fish oil plus low calorie diet reduces inflammation 90%

Probiotic enhances protection from infection

Resveratrol suppresses inflammation, free radicals

Visceral fat may drive inflammatory processes associated with disease

Vitamin D reduces CRP 23%

Influenza / Flu

AHCC boosts influenza immune response

Antiviral effect of catechins in green tea on influenza virus

Vitamin D prevents infections


81% positive response to Coenzyme Q10 treatment for chronic kidney failure

Increased risk of systolic cardiac dysfunction in renal failure patients

Link between kidney and heart disease established

Low vitamin D level increases risk of kidney failure 2.6 times

Magnesium and Vitamin B6 for kidney stone prevention

Omega-3 fatty fish cuts kidney cancer risk up to 74%

Strong cardiovascular and kidney disease connection established

Vitamin D linked to reduced mortality rate in chronic kidney disease


Is T3 hormone inhibition the reason calorie restriction results in increased human lifespan?

Longevity tied to genes that preserve telomere length

Professor Bruce Ames presents his Triage Theory of Aging at A4M

Resveratrol extends lifespan by 50%

Resveratrol improves health and lifespan 40%

Vitamin D may increase lifespan

Vitamin E helps Alzheimer’s patients live longer


Omega-3 oils speed up healing of ligament injuries



Acetaminophen leading cause of liver failure death

CoQ10 & carnitine protect liver against chronic alcohol abuse 

Fast food diet causes cirrhosis of the liver in children 

Green tea polyphenol protects transplanted livers 

L-carnitine prevents hepatitis and liver cancer 

Liver dysfunction associated with other organ dysfunction 

Lycopene found to suppress liver cancer

N-acetyl cysteine effective for acute liver failure

Omega-3 fatty acids inhibit growth of liver cancer cells

Resveratrol may protect against alcoholic fatty liver disease

Vitamin D deficiency common in patients with IBD, chronic liver disease

Vitamin E helps those with fatty liver disease

Vitamin K2 reduces recurrence of liver cancer


Are dangerous blood clots lurking in your legs?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may be signaled by C-reactive protein

Living near a highway affects lung development in children

N-acetyl cysteine slows lung decline in pulmonary fibrosis

Resveratrol in red wine may lower lung cancer risk

Secondhand smoke damages lungs


Krill Oil Shows promise in suppression of autoimmune murine lupus

Omega-3 fatty acid benefits Lupus patients

Male Infertility

Carnitine and acetyl L-carnitine improve sperm motility

Carnitine supplement helps sperm swim

Coenzyme Q10 may help treat male infertility

Improved pregnancy rates with l-carnitine plus acetyl l-carnitine

L-carnitine better than testosterone in treating erectile dysfunction

Significant increase in men's fertility from 90-day pine tree bark extract treatment

Vitamin treatment improves ED in men with elevated homocysteine

Mental Health

High homocysteine levels associated with depression

N-acetyl cysteine helps reduce cocaine cravings

N-Acetyl Cysteine helps treat patients with compulsive behavior

Migraine Headaches

Coenzyme Q10 stops 50% of migraines

Coenzyme Q10 reduces migraines from 7.34 to 2.95 days per month

High homocysteine levels associated with Migraine headache

Magnesium reduces migraine headache severity

Migraines associated with increased heart attack risk: mitochondrial function implicated in both

Migraine frequency linked with women’s risk of stroke

Migraines linked to stroke and cardiovascular diseases

Pine tree bark reduces duration and severity of migraines

Relief of migraine headache with Glucosamine

Vitamin treatment reduces homocysteine and migraine headache

Mitochondria & ATP

81% positive response to Coenzyme Q10 treatment for chronic kidney failure

Alzheimer’s disease linked to mitochondrial damage

CoQ10, alpha-lipoic acid & creatine decrease muscle decline

Increased risk of systolic cardiac dysfunction in renal failure patients

L-carnitine and alpha-lipoic acid reduce aging and boost energy

L-carnitine reduces fatigue in advanced cancer patients

Link between kidney and heart disease established

Link between macular degeneration and heart attack and stroke risk

Liver dysfunction associated with other organ dysfunction

Macular degeneration linked to mitochondria

Magnesium reduces migraine headache severity

Migraines associated with increased heart attack risk: mitochondrial function implicated in both

Migraine frequency linked with women’s risk of stroke

Migraines linked to stroke and cardiovascular diseases

Mitochondrial dysfunction associated with Alzheimer's disease

Normalizing mitochondrial function significantly decreases tumor growth

Nutrient triad reverses early macular degeneration

Pre-eclampsia doubles risk of heart disease

Report of statins’ adverse effects from 900 studies

Statins induce death in muscle cells

Vitamin D deficiency associated with heart failure

Multiple Sclerosis

Increased vitamin D protects against Multiple Sclerosis

Omega-3s provide relief for some MS patients

Vitamin D may protect against autoimmune disorders such as MS

Vitamin D supplements may lower MS risk


Chromium polynicotinate favorably influences genes that promote muscle development, fat burning

CoenzymeQ10 deficiency causes muscle weakness

Coenzyme Q10 reduces statin-induced muscle pain

CoQ10, alpha-lipoic acid & creatine decrease muscle decline

Low magnesium associated with loss of muscle mass

Low muscle CoQ10 in statin-related myopathy

Musculoskeletal pain due to vitamin D deficiency

Report of statins’ adverse effects from 900 studies

Nervous System

Acetyl l-carnitine improves nerve fiber regeneration

Acetyl l-carnitine treats neuropathy induced by HIV medications

Alpha-lipoic acid reduces diabetic neuropathy symptoms

Omega-3 linked to better nervous-system function

Resveratrol protects against neuronal damage

Traumatic brain injury responds to nutritional supplementation

Vitamin E alpha-tocotrienol helps maintain nervous system health

Pain (see also Migraine Headache above)

63% - 87% response rate for OA and RA patients using CM Plus fatty acid protocol

Acetaminophen leading cause of liver failure death

Antioxidants provide 70 - 98% pain relief

Arthritis pain killers - NSAIDs and COX-II inhibitors - increase risk of heart attack

Chronic pain associated with low Vitamin D

Chronic pain associated with low vitamin D level

FDA warns that all NSAIDS may increase risk of cardiovascular death

Krill Oil reduces arthritis symptoms 30% in 30 days

Musculoskeletal pain due to vitamin D deficiency

Omega-3 fatty acids equal or more effective than NSAIDs

Vitamin D deficiency contributes to chronic low back pain

Vitamin D improves back pain in 95% of patients

Parkinson's Disease

AMA announces vitamin D deficiency linked with Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's

CoenzymeQ10 fights Parkinson's Disease

Low cholesterol linked to Parkinson’s Disease

Low vitamin D projected to cause Parkinson's Disease

Pesticide exposure increases Parkinson's Disease risk 70%

Vitamin E alpha-tocotrienol helps maintain nervous system health

Vitamin E may reduce risk of Parkinson's

Pollution and the Environment

Living near a highway affects lung development in children

Pesticide exposure increases Parkinson's Disease risk 70%

U.S. farm policy contributes to obesity and disease 


Calcium supplements reduce complications during pregnancy

Carnitine helps reduce diabetes during pregnancy

Depression during pregnancy can double risk of preterm delivery

Fish oil enhances brain development

Low vitamin D linked to Preeclampsia

Mothers' multivitamin use before pregnancy associated with fewer preterm births

Omega-3 awareness low in pregnant women

Omega-3 fish oil is beneficial, but beware of contaminants

Omega-3 for postpartum depression 

Pre-eclampsia doubles risk of heart disease

Treating mild diabetes in pregnancy carries significant benefit

Prescription Drug Side Effects (Statins see below)

Acetaminophen leading cause of liver failure death

Antibiotics destroy diversity of beneficial gut bacteria

Cardiovascular devices approved by FDA without high-quality studies

Cases of jaw bone death caused by Fosamax often unreported

Glaxo Chief: "Most Prescription Medications Don't Work"

Osteoporosis drugs don't work without hi-dose calcium and vitamin D-3

Pharma funded drug studies often have biased conclusions

Probiotics stop antibiotic-caused diarrhea


Decreasing omega-6 to omega-3 ratio reduces prostate cancer

Gamma tocopherol form of Vitamin E induces cell death in human prostate cancer cells

Lutein and Lycopene can help prevent prostate cancer

Lycopene supplements decrease prostate cancer

Omega-3 fatty acids prevent prostate cancer from spreading

Tea polyphenols slow prostate cancer cell growth

Vitamin E suppresses prostate cancer


Evaluation of the effects of Krill Oil on UVB-radiation induced skin cancer prevention

Hyaluronic acid injections induce collagen repair

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce risk of UV induced skin cancer

Oral vitamin D may help prevent atopic dermatitis

Topical Hyaluronic Acid speeds burn healing time

Trace minerals beneficial for burns

Statin Drugs

Atorvastatin lowers CoenzymeQ10 levels in patients at risk of cardiovascular disease

Coenzyme Q10 reduces statin-induced muscle pain

CoQ10 reverses heart dysfunction caused by statin drugs

Drugs to raise HDL “good” cholesterol are dangerous, reports JAMA

Low cholesterol linked to Parkinson’s Disease

Low muscle CoQ10 in statin-related myopathy 

Magnesium may provide better benefits than statins 

Omega-3 fish oil supplements beat statin drugs for lowering mortality risk 

Report of statins’ adverse effects from 900 studies 

Statins block the beneficial effect of exercise 

Statins do not reduce risk of death in high-risk individuals without heart disease

Statins induce death in 27 - 49% of muscle cells

Treat the risk, not the cholesterol: study challenges current cholesterol recommendations 


Are dangerous blood clots lurking in your legs?

Folic acid reduces homocysteine which reduces heart disease and stroke 

Dementia risk attributable to small blood vessel damage 

Green tea extends life, reduces CVD and stroke up to 62% 

Low HDL cholesterol and high homocysteine make it harder to recover from stroke

Migraine frequency linked with women’s risk of stroke 

Nattokinase reduces risk of embolism

Natural vitamin E tocotrienols protect brain after stroke

Vitamin E tocotrienol complex protects against stroke-induced neurodegeneration 

Vitamin E tocotrienols reduce stroke risk 


Omega-3 fatty acids equal or more effective than NSAIDs (for post-surgical pain)

Thyroid Function

Cause of visual problems among children of hypothyroid mothers found

Mild thyroid problems double risk of heart conditions


Antioxidant supplementation helps reduce cataract incidence

Antioxidants associated with lower risk of cataracts

C-reactive protein concentration inversely related to concentration of Lutein, Zeaxanthin and other vitamins

C-reactive protein levels linked with macular degeneration

Cartotenoids reverse AMD

Fish consumption protects against macular degeneration

High glycemic diet linked to vision loss

Link between macular degeneration and heart attack and stroke risk

Long-term vitamin use reduces cataract risk

Low fat diet increases ARM; High omega-3 fatty acid reduces ARM risk

Low levels of Lutein and Zeaxanthin associated with vision loss (AMD)

Lutein improves vision for computer geeks 

Lutein improves visual function for macular degeneration patients 

Lutein and Zeaxanthin help prevent cataracts

Lutein lowers inflammation which is associated with AMD

Lutein supplement bioavailability for AMD

Lutein supplements associated with 63% increase in visual acuity

Lutein supplements may improve vision for people with retinitis pigmentosa

Lutein, zeaxanthin, and vitamin C may prevent cataracts 

Macular degeneration linked to mitochondria 

Nutrient triad reverses early macular degeneration 

Omega-3 fatty acids, non-smoking related to better vision

Omega-3 fatty acids prevent retinopathy-related blindness 

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce progression of AMD 

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce risk of dry eye syndrome 

Omega-3 oils protect against macular degeneration 

Resveratrol potentially reverses diabetic retinopathy and wet ARMD 

Tea inhibits diabetic cataracts

Visual impairment will increase as population ages, but treatment can mitigate effects 

Weight Loss (also see Diet above)

Calcium and vitamin D enhance weight loss 

Can dieting now prevent future diabetes complications of blindness and kidney failure? 

Chromium polynicotinate favorably influences genes that promote muscle development, fat burning

CLA causes abdominal fat loss

CLA reduces body fat up to 9% and helps keep it off

CLA shrinks body fat from 22% to 17% in health club members

DHEA supplement helps reduce abdominal fat

Excess body fat causes over 100,000 cancers each year

Grape seed blocks fat absorption

Green tea aids in weight loss

Green tea reduces body fat

HFCS increases body fat faster than glucose

Insulin therapy kills Type 2 diabetics; Weight loss more effective

Krill oil reduces fat in heart and liver

L-arginine reduces fat and waist circumference

Link between obesity and inflammation

Long-term CLA study shows 9 percent reduction in body fat and 2 percent increase in lean muscle

Low vitamin D associated with 98% higher diabetes risk

Multivitamin supplementation reduces body fat and lipids

Omega-3 fatty acids help control weight

Omega-3 fatty acids plus exercise reduce body fat

Pinolenic acid increases satiety by 36% 

Resveratrol may help battle obesity

Successful weight loss with dieting is linked to vitamin D levels

Swedish study concludes conjugated linoleic acid reduces body fat 

Visceral fat may drive inflammatory processes associated with disease 


Calcium supplements reduce complications during pregnancy

Depression during pregnancy can double risk of preterm delivery

Fish oil enhances brain development 

Green tea supports ovarian health

High insulin levels raise risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women

High vitamin D intake reduces breast cancer risk by half

Krill Oil effective against premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Low vitamin D linked to Preeclampsia

Lycopene linked to reduction in uterine fibroid tumors

Mothers' multivitamin use before pregnancy associated with fewer preterm births

Omega-3 awareness low in pregnant women

Omega-3 fish oil is beneficial, but beware of contaminants

Omega-3 for postpartum depression

Pre-eclampsia doubles risk of heart disease

Progress on breast cancer therapy with vitamin Q10 and the regression of metastases

Treating mild diabetes in pregnancy carries significant benefit