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Krill Oil Reduces Fat in Heart and Liver

Krill Oil, rich in omega-3 phospholipids, gives substantially more reduction of fat in the heart and the liver than omega-3 from fish oil. This is demonstrated in a new preclinical study performed for the biotechnological company Aker BioMarine.

The study has been performed by internationally acknowledged research groups in Italy. Under supervision by Dr. Sebastiano Banni and Dr. Vincenzo Di Marzo, the effect of Krill Oil and omega-3 fish oil was investigated in obese zucker rats.

- It is very interesting that Krill Oil has a significantly better effect than fish oil, says Dr. Banni.

On parameters associated with obesity, Krill Oil reduced the fat content in the heart by 42%. Fish oil reduced the fat content by 2%. A high level of fat in the heart is non-beneficial for the heart function, and it is therefore important to reduce the fat content in the heart to a normal level.

The corresponding examination of the fat amount in liver showed a reduction of 60% after administration of Krill Oil, while fish oil reduced the fat content in the liver by 38%. A high level of fat in the liver impairs the liver function. This can lead to a reduced insulin sensitivity and contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes.

The results from this study confirm the hypothesis that Krill Oil has a substantially better effect than fish oil on certain cardiovascular risk factors.

Sebastiano Banni and Vincenzo Di Marzo have through many years been leading on their respective research fields and have published several articles in high standard international journals.

- Aker BioMarine has in this study documented the effects of Superba Krill Oil in cooperation with two of the world-leading research groups within this special field.


Batetta B, Griinari M, et.al. Endocannabinoids May Mediate the Ability of (n-3) Fatty Acids to Reduce Ectopic Fat and Inflammatory Mediators in Obese Zucker Rats. Journal of Nutrition, Volume 139, Number 8, August 2009. http://jn.nutrition.org/cgi/rapidpdf/jn.109.104844v1.pdf.

Key concepts: krill oil, ectopic fat, heart, liver
