Antiviral effect of catechins in green tea on influenza virus
Drinking Green Tea Keeps Blood Pressure Down
Drinking Tea Might Delay Alzheimer's Disease
Green tea blocks the formation of new arterial plaque
Green tea catechin may prevent life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias
Green Tea Effective in Preventing Colon Tumors
Green Tea Exhibits Anticancer Effect in Barrett's Associated Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
Green Tea Extends Life, Reduces CVD and Stroke Up to 62%
Green Tea Extract Shows Promise in Leukemia Trials
Green Tea Extract Slows the Progression of Huntington’s Disease
Green Tea Helps Protect Against Alzheimer's Disease
Green Tea Improves Glucose Control
Green Tea Inhibits Breast Cancer Growth
Green Tea Linked to Maintaining Cognitive Function
Green tea polyphenol protects transplanted livers
Green tea prevents prostate cancer in humans
Green Tea Supports Leukemia Improvement
Green Tea Supports Ovarian Health
Resveratrol & EGCG Help Regulate Blood Sugar in Type 2 Diabetics
Tea Inhibits Diabetic Cataracts
Tea Polyphenols Slow Prostate Cancer Cell Growth
The Protective Effect of Habitual Tea Consumption on Hypertension