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I Have Cancer: What Should I Do? by Gonzalez, Massari, & Saul

I Have Cancer: What Should I Do? Your Orthomolecular Guide for Cancer Management

  • by Michael J Gonzalez, D.Sc., Ph.D., Jorge R Miranda-Massari, Pharm.D., and Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D.

    • Anti-cancer dietary strategies

    • Supplements to optimize the body's immune defenses

    • Detoxification

    • Exercise

    • Relaxation

    • Positive psychological/spiritual empowerment

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From the back cover

Very few diagnoses shock patients as much as being told that they have cancer, a modern pandemic around the world. Cancer is a multifactorial disease that requires a multifactorial treatment plan: medical, nutritional, and lifestyle changes as well as emotional, social, and spiritual support. An effective approach for cancer must be truly integrated.

This book shows that optimum nutrition and dietary supplementation should be part of every cancer treatment. Nutrition is not only preventive--it also has powerful therapeutic potential. Orthomolecular medicine restores the optimum environment in the body for fighting cancer by correcting imbalances or deficiencies.

This is not your average book about cancer. The authors, in addition to being healthcare practitioners, have had personal experiences with this potentially devastating disease. I Have Cancer: What Should I Do? maps out a program the authors themselves would follow that includes: anti-cancer dietary strategies, supplements to optimize the body's immune defenses, detoxification therapy, exercises, relaxation techniques, and positive psychological/spiritual empowerment.

Cancer patients benefit from the combination of conventional and orthomolecular therapy. Nutritional strategies can improve one's overall strength to maintain one's health and win the battle against cancer.

About the Authors

  • Michael J. Gonzalez, D.Sc, Ph.D., is a professor at the school of Public Health, University of Puerto Rico. He has authored over 100 scientific publications and has earned several research awards for his work on nutrition and cancer.
  • Jorge R. Miranda-Massari, Pharm.D., is the author of numerous scientific publications and the creator of the first course in integrative medicine at the University of Puerto Rico's School of Pharmacy.
  • Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D., is assistant editor of the "Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine", editor of "The Vitamin Cure" series, and the author of "Fire Your Doctor!" and "Doctor Yourself"

Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: Basic Health Publications; 1st edition (November 9, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1591202434
ISBN-13: 978-1591202431
Product Dimensions: 9 x6 x 0.4 inches


Acknowledgements vii

Forward by Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. ix

Preface xi

Chapter 1Not a Death Sentence 1

Chapter 2 Knowing the Enemy 23

Chapter 3 Food as Cancer Medicine 41

Chapter 4 Biochemical Optimization for Cancer Patients 63

Chapter 5 Energy for Cancer Patients 79

Chapter 6 Rejuvenation for Cancer Patients 91

Chapter 7 Patient Success Stories 107

Conclusion 117


Index, preview, endorsements, and back cover reprinted with the exclusive permission of Basic Health Publications, Inc.